
Configuring XPax
Using XPax
Main Screen
Manifest Screen
Diagram Screen
Aircraft Screen
Report Screen
Options Screen
Networked Configuration

SimConnect Troubleshooting

Configuring XPax

XPax pre-configured after installation for recommended default settings at the highest realism rate.

These default settings should work well for most users as long as a challenge is desired.  Reducing the approval reduction sensitivity slider will make the passengers less "fearful" of flying, and reducing it to zero will completely turn off the approval rating deduction system.

The other options will affect how the add-on operates, and are explained in detail in the Settings Screen chapter.

XPax can be installed either locally on the FS machine or remotely via SimConnect or FSUIPC/WideFS.  For more information on a remote installation, please see the Networked Configuration chapter.

When using FSX, the SimConnect interface is used.  XPax requires SimConnect SP1 (v. 10.0.61242.0).  Please note that SimConnect SP1 is NOT properly installed by the SP2 / Acceleration upgrade.  You must install SP1 (preferably BEFORE SP2) so that the proper files are installed.  If you get an error about the proper SimConnect not being found, check out the SimConnect Troubleshooting chapter in the Appendix.

When using FS9, the FSUIPC interface is used.  XPax requires FSUIPC v3.75 or later.  XPax has been licensed for use with FSUIPC by Peter Dowson.  To download or install FSUIPC 3.75 please visit the FSUIPC page at  Please note that FSUIPC is NOT required for use with FSX.